A value is a terminal token representing a concrete element. This can be:
- field
- token
- an integer
- a floating point number
- a date time
- a boolean
- a string
- a function
Use internal name or display name of the field in square brackets
- CurrentLanguage — current language (LCID: 1033 – English, 1031 – German, etc.)
- CurrentUserLogin — login of the current user
- CurrentUserName — display name of the current user
- Today — current date
- Now — current date and time
- IsMobileDevice — indicates whether current user agent is a mobile device.
- IsTabletDevice — indicates whether current user agent is a tablet device
- UserAgent — current user agent string
They are represented using numbers.
- 123456
They are evaluated as Int32.
Floating point numbers
Use the dot to define the decimal part.
- 123.456
- .123
They are evaluated as Decimal.
Scientific notation
You can use the e to define power of ten (10^).
- 1.22e1
- 1e2
- 1e+2
- 1e-2
- .1e-2
- 1e10
They are evaluated as Double
Dates and Times
Must be enclosed between sharps.
- #2013/02/13# // for en-US culture
They are evaluated as DateTime. Forms Designer uses the current Culture to evaluate them.
Booleans can be either true or false.
- true
- false
Any character between single quotes ‘ are evaluated as String.
- ‘hello’
You can escape special characters using \\, \’, \n, \r, \t.
A function is made of a name followed by braces, containing optionally any value as arguments.
- Abs(1)
- ContainsCurrentUser([People])
See the functions list for details.