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Refresh Related-Items on Lookup column

Posted: 07 Jun 2022
by cboehme
Hi there,

I have a (new) form with a plumsail lookup column (single value only) and a non-editable related items object.
Per data source settings of the related items object, the lookup column is set to filter the related items list by that specific form field.
Unfortunately the related items object does not refresh when lookup selection changed.

I tried refresh mode synchronous without success.
Render setting is Client.

is there chance to refresh the related items based on current lookup selection :?:

Thanks for your advise and efforts in advance!

Best regards,

Re: Refresh Related-Items on Lookup column

Posted: 07 Jun 2022
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Christian,
Dynamic filtering is possible, but only with JavaScript. You can check this article here - ... point-form

It essentially uses the same filtering system that SharePoint lists use when you click on a column.