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Insert page break for printing
Posted: 10 Oct 2017
by enillrae
How do you insert a page break when printing forms? I have a form that spans 2 pages and would like the 1st page to end at a particular point and then continue onto the second page.
Re: Insert page break for printing
Posted: 10 Oct 2017
by Nikita Kurguzov
Hello, enillrae!
You can use CSS style for that. Just give a CSS class to a specific element on the form or even insert an HTML control where you want page break to occur and use one of the following styles for it in the CSS editor:
- CSSEditor.png (8.58 KiB) Viewed 1534 times
Re: Insert page break for printing
Posted: 10 Oct 2017
by enillrae
Hi Nikita,
I've tried your suggestions before but they have not worked.
Re: Insert page break for printing
Posted: 11 Oct 2017
by Nikita Kurguzov
Okay, try to add this <div> where you want page to break:
And try this code out in CSS editor:
Code: Select all
@media print {
.print {
margin-bottom: 1000px;
Adjust margin for the desired effect on your Form.