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Textarea does not display properly in edit mode

Posted: 12 Jan 2018
by wdeffner

in our Form a textarea (Multilple Lines, Rich-Rext) ist not displayed correctly in Firefox and Internet Explorer 11. View-mode works fine.

Firefox: The editor icon-bar ist not displayed, "&#58" appears instead of ":"
Internet Explorer: so far ok, but text is displayed using the wrong font (Times New Roman)

Can we do something to change this?


Thanks, Wolfgang

Re: Textarea does not display properly in edit mode

Posted: 15 Jan 2018
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Wolfgang,
Can you please tell me your version of SharePoint and Forms Desinger?

Also, make sure that the controls are not in the ribbon in Firefox:
FirefoxRichtext.png (21.42 KiB) Viewed 1770 times