Radio button if statements
Posted: 16 Feb 2018
I've read quite a few comments on the forums here about radio button control (and have also visited the control site ... eld-values)
However I'm struggling work out how to check the value of the radio button label.
I have a radio control (internal name 'IssueType') with 7 choices
internal etc etc
If I want to control other elements of the form from what has been choosen I used this:
function showHideFields(){
if (fd.field('IssueType').value() == 'Audit') {
else {
//call the function on opening
However, it doesn't work - Do I have to store the value as a variable and then use the variable within the if statement?
However I'm struggling work out how to check the value of the radio button label.
I have a radio control (internal name 'IssueType') with 7 choices
internal etc etc
If I want to control other elements of the form from what has been choosen I used this:
function showHideFields(){
if (fd.field('IssueType').value() == 'Audit') {
else {
//call the function on opening
However, it doesn't work - Do I have to store the value as a variable and then use the variable within the if statement?