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Hide asterisk on form title

Posted: 27 Dec 2013
by Geir Mathisen
Is there a smart CSS method to avoid that the red asterisk (*) sign is displayed after the field label for required fields?

I need to design print-version of forms, and this information is not making sense here.


Re: Hide asterisk on form title

Posted: 29 Dec 2013
by Dmitry Kozlov

You can hide asterisk with the following JavaScript code:

Code: Select all


Re: Hide asterisk on form title

Posted: 30 Dec 2013
by Geir Mathisen
Thanks, but I still must be doing something wrong.
Have inserted this in the JS editor on the Display form:
fd.field('Ansatt nummer').titleRequired(false);
But the form still displays the asterisk.

'Internal name' refers to what is in the Value field og the Title property.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: Hide asterisk on form title

Posted: 30 Dec 2013
by Dmitry Kozlov
Could you send html-source of your display form to