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Open a list's "New Form" from a link

Posted: 18 Sep 2013
by MES5464
Is it possible to put a link on the home page that will open a list's new form in a dialog?

I have set the list to "Open in dialog" and I have used the url to the forms designer's new form but it doesn't open as a dialog form.

Here is the link:

"http://url/Lists/Suggestion Box/fd_Item_New.aspx"

Re: Open a list's "New Form" from a link

Posted: 27 Feb 2014
by schuess

Re: Open a list's "New Form" from a link

Posted: 28 Feb 2014
by Dmitry Kozlov
Please, put the following link into the home page via SharePoint Designer:

<a href="#" onclick="g_useDialogAlwaysList.push('fd_Item_New.aspx'.toLowerCase()); NewItem2(event, 'http://url/Lists/Suggestion Box/fd_Item_New.aspx'); return false;">New item</a>