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Display search box

Posted: 11 Apr 2014
by MES5464
This post is off topic but since I have gotten better advice here for SharePoint questions than any where else I have tried, I thought I would ask this forum.

I have a list view web part on a web part page. In the options of the web part I get the option to "Display search box". However when I check the option to "Display search box" the search box only comes on until I click the "Stop Editing" button. Then the search box disappears again.

Anyone know why that is and how I can permanently turn on the "Display search box" option for my web part pages?

Re: Display search box

Posted: 14 Apr 2014
by Dmitry Kozlov
Please, check whether you have JS-errors on the page. I've just tested the case and it's working properly for me.

Re: Display search box

Posted: 14 Apr 2014
by MES5464
The only error I get is this:

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. mquery.js?rev=VYAJYBo5H8I3gVSL3MzD6A%3D%3D:1