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Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 18 Dec 2019
by dominique.beaudin
I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but while I can successfully redirect the form to a specific page upon submission, I can't seem to do the some when "close" is pressed. Is this possible?

Re: Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 20 Dec 2019
by mnikitina
Hello Dominique,

You can add this code in the button OnClick event handler:

window.location = 'your URL';

Re: Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 23 Dec 2019
by dominique.beaudin

That works well on a button I create, but how can I attach it to the Sharepoint Close button? Or otherwise can I hide the Sharepoint close?

Thanks again

Re: Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 24 Dec 2019
by mnikitina
Hello Dominique,

You can hide all close buttons on the form with this code:

Code: Select all

And to hide the cancel button on the ribbon, please use the following code:

Code: Select all




Re: Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 17 Feb 2020
by dominique.beaudin
Thank you. For some reason I can't seem to get the save/close hidden with the code. Should this hide the default Save/Close/PDF ribbon on top. Also, can I modify a form in both products as long as I don't save the Plumsail version? My forms are complex and creating a new Sharepoint site would be a huge amount of work. I'm trying to get a version created and then spend my after hours time tweaking instead of trying to do the creation and testing after hours. thanks again.

Re: Plumsail forms redirect on close

Posted: 19 Feb 2020
by mnikitina
Hello Dominique,

If you want to hide Cancel and Save buttons in the ribbon, you can hide the whole Commit section.
Commit.PNG (2.59 KiB) Viewed 3504 times
Please see the code below.

Code: Select all

//hide Commit section in the ribbon

//hide Export to PDF button in the ribbon

//hide defult save buttons in the form;

//hide defult cancel buttons in the form
We do not recommend using both products on the same list, as this can cause conflicts.

You can create a new site from the template for development needs and then move forms to the production site. You can find more information about how to provision forms in the article here: ... ision.html