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Javascript issues??

Posted: 18 Feb 2020
by dominique.beaudin
In the new Plumsail forms, I can't get any Javascript to work at all. I had testing some things before Christmas that worked, but now do not. For example, even just a basic hide/show does not work. I must be doing something wrong?

function HideShow() {
if (fd.field('Association_x0020_Name').value() == 'TOMA') {
// Hide if TOMA
} else {


Any help is deeply appreciated!

Re: Javascript issues??

Posted: 18 Feb 2020
by dominique.beaudin
I just got this working. I'm not even sure how. I also figured out my other issues (I have to have all Plumsail forms for the parentID to go to the child). I was used to SPForms so I was trying to mimic that to avoid having to do every form (there are a lot). Thanks.

Re: Javascript issues??

Posted: 19 Feb 2020
by mnikitina
Hello Dominique,

I'm glad you've figured it out!

Please post all your questions about new Plumsail Forms in the Plumsail Community: