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Next button for accordian

Posted: 25 Mar 2020
by asharma190
Hello, Is it possible to do the Next and Back button for accordion ? I am using an accordion and the business would like a next and back button to move between the accordion tabs - I know how to do the button just not sure what would be the action? Thank you!
accordion.JPG (32.05 KiB) Viewed 4177 times

Re: Next button for accordian

Posted: 26 Mar 2020
by mnikitina
Hello asharma190,

If you use the accordion in 'Single' or 'SingleCollapsable' modes, you can use the code in the button's Onclick settings:

Code: Select all

$('#fd_accordion-0').accordion( "option", "active",  1).click();
Where 1 is the index of the accordion tab.