Conditional Fields clearing On Submit
Posted: 24 Jun 2015
I have conditionally-revealed fields based on user selection.
Everything works great, BUT ... if a user Submits the form with a Required field blank, it gives the user an error (as intended) but then HIDES all the conditionally-revealed fields (while keeping the field values the same ... so the fields should still be revealed).
Any way to fix this? It's a lot of code ... I don't want to have to Copy and Paste all my code in the on.submit handler just to keep my fields available.
Everything works great, BUT ... if a user Submits the form with a Required field blank, it gives the user an error (as intended) but then HIDES all the conditionally-revealed fields (while keeping the field values the same ... so the fields should still be revealed).
Any way to fix this? It's a lot of code ... I don't want to have to Copy and Paste all my code in the on.submit handler just to keep my fields available.