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Right Justify Choice fields

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kim Jeim

Is it possible to right justify (single) choice fields in the form?

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Right Justify Choice fields

Posted: 16 Jul 2015
by rostislav
What do you mean by single choice fields: dropdown menus or radio buttons?
Do you want to right justify text inside the control? Or maybe what you want
is to right-align your choice fields?

Re: Right Justify Choice fields

Posted: 16 Jul 2015
by Kim Jeim
Hi Rotislav,

Sorry I was not being clear enough. Dropdown menu, and just the text inside the dropdown when the field is not read only. Thanks.

Re: Right Justify Choice fields

Posted: 17 Jul 2015
by rostislav
Why do you want to *right* justify? Right justify means to stretch text to fit the whole line and to flush the last line to right. Dropdown values don't overflow text onto the next line if the width of control is too small, so I'm not sure why you want to *right* justify. Maybe you want to right-align your text?