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Related items wrong position

Posted: 01 Nov 2021
by TWendt
I have a problem with related items in the edit form.
editform.JPG (108.73 KiB) Viewed 61302 times
When I open the edit form the related items are displayed under the buttons.
editform-01.JPG (106.69 KiB) Viewed 61302 times
Best wishes

Re: Related items wrong position

Posted: 01 Nov 2021
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Tom,
What's the full URL of the form?

Re: Related items wrong position

Posted: 02 Nov 2021
by TWendt
Hi Nikita,

here the URL.

https://myurl/poolofideas/Lists/Ideas/f ... 53a678dad2

Best wishes

Re: Related items wrong position

Posted: 02 Nov 2021
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Tom,
Okay, this looks fine. Try to remove all custom JS and CSS from the form, see if it makes a difference.