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Is form designer still in business?
Posted: 02 Dec 2021
by Roo
I don't seem to get any support calls back and I'm unable to access the form designer.
I'm getting the error:
Sign in failed: the sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system
(But it does????)
Re: Is form designer still in business?
Posted: 02 Dec 2021
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Roo,
No worries, the Forms Designer is fully supported and will be supported for years to come until Modern UI replaces the classic SharePoint completely.
Regarding authentication, there can be different reasons as to why it doesn't work. Are you using SharePoint Online? Check out this article - ... office-365
As for the help not being provided, what mailbox have you contacted? Do you have the ticket number so I can check it for you? We definitely try to provide all the support possible, and a reply shouldn't take more than 24 hours in most cases.
Re: Is form designer still in business?
Posted: 02 Dec 2021
by Roo
We've had to change to two factor authentication. hence the issue then. I'll try and work out another way of doing it.
It was the email link in the contact us tab.
Thanks for your help - and its good to hear you've not gone

Re: Is form designer still in business?
Posted: 02 Dec 2021
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Roo,
Going strong!

Still, that's strange that you didn't get anything from us - usually you should get at least an email with the Ticket # as soon as you email us, and we can find your request in our system with this Ticket #.