Save new form and redirect to the edit form
Posted: 25 Jun 2016
Using the following example, it fails, it seems to not pass the ID of the new item.
fd.onsubmit(function() {
var uri = fd.setUrlParam(decodeURIComponent(window.location.href), 'FDRedirectWithID', '/Lists/Projects/fd_Item_EditForm.aspx?ID=');
return true;
Please help. This is Office 365, Forms Designer 3.0.8
fd.onsubmit(function() {
var uri = fd.setUrlParam(decodeURIComponent(window.location.href), 'FDRedirectWithID', '/Lists/Projects/fd_Item_EditForm.aspx?ID=');
return true;
Please help. This is Office 365, Forms Designer 3.0.8