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Workflow Setting Lookup Field

Posted: 14 Jun 2016
by djhobbes
I am using a 2013 workflow in SP online to parse a filename and set multiple fields, one of which is a lookup field tied to a list elsewhere in the site collection (using cross site lookup).

For discussion, I am trying to se the [Title] field to a numeric variable I parse from the filename. The problem is, instead of returning the correct item by [Title] it is using the numeric variable to return the matching [ID] field from the list.

Any thoughts?

Re: Workflow Setting Lookup Field

Posted: 15 Jun 2016
by Dmitry Kozlov

I suppose, you're retrieving an item by CAML-query, right? If so, please, read the following thread illustrating how to request items either by Title or by Lookup Id: ... -not-by-id