Failed to instantiate file "FormsDesigner.xap"
Posted: 10 Jun 2016
I created a site template from our dev environment and want to use it in our test environment. both sites have developer licenses and appear to work. However when I try to use the template I get the following error message
Failed to instantiate file "FormsDesigner.xap" from module "PlumsailFormsDesigner_Features\FormsDesigner\Plumsail\FormsDesigner": Source path "Features\FormsDesigner\Plumsail\FormsDesigner\FormsDesigner.xap" not found.
Failed to instantiate file "FormsDesigner.xap" from module "PlumsailFormsDesigner_Features\FormsDesigner\Plumsail\FormsDesigner": Source path "Features\FormsDesigner\Plumsail\FormsDesigner\FormsDesigner.xap" not found.