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redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by Malboro

I want to redirect on same page a new item (not pop-up or new tab).


Re: redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by rostislav

Didn't quite get that. You cannot open an existing item in a new item form if that's what you're after. That's what the edit form is for.

Re: redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by Malboro
Ok thanks I need open this in a tab because i use fd.setUrlPAram. I open in a new tab and when i want to close previous tab IE ask to users if they would like to close this tab and i search a solution ...

Re: redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by rostislav
The fact that you use setUrlParam doesn't explain what you're trying to do. You'll need to provide a clear explanation as to what you're tring to achieve. You can use screenshots to aide you with that (post your screenshots to and provide links).

Re: redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by Malboro
When i click on new item

I want to open link in the same tab.

Re: redirection new item on same page

Posted: 30 May 2016
by rostislav
Add a CSS class to the related items control, e.g. 'my-control'. Then:

Code: Select all

$('.my-control #idHomePageNewEvent').removeProp('onclick')