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Silverlight plugin usage request every session in IE 11

Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by Sonoma
Since I upgraded to the most recent version I recieve the following message whenever I launch the form editor.
If Forms Designer has not started automatically, please download, install the desktop application and refresh this page.
Or you can still use the Silverlight plugin if your browser supports Silverlight. Find a list of supported browsers here.
Return to the list

I have Silverlight installed and I can click use Silverlight plugin and continue as normal. Is there anyway to bypass this and it work like before?

Thank you.

Re: Silverlight plugin usage request every session in IE 11

Posted: 15 Apr 2016
by rostislav
Unfortunatelly, it's not possible. We recommend you to install the desktop application. If you do, the application will me automatically launched when you click the Forms Designer button.