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Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by mcgaafar

I wonder if i can use the cross site lookup as a tagging field on any of my forms inside the same site collection. So that users can add or pick keyowrds from the field. These keywords are saved in single column list on the top level site collection. So is it possible? and if so, how can i do that?

Appreciate your help,


Re: Tags

Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by rostislav

Create the lookup list at the root site. Then add CSL fields to required lists within the same site collection. The CSL fields need to point to the lookup list. Does that answer your question?

Re: Tags

Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by mcgaafar
Does that allow users to manually add items to the lookup field and get saved without any special code?

Re: Tags

Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by mcgaafar
I mean will the users be able to directly add new keywords inside the cross site lookup without having to use the add new link?

Re: Tags

Posted: 14 Apr 2016
by rostislav
You can turn on the ability to add new items by checking 'Add 'New Item' link' in Manage Lookup Fields. This will allow adding new items via a popup dialog, not as free inline text however.