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Disable field style in ie8 and higer

Posted: 18 Mar 2015
by Дмитрий Фоломеев
How can I change of style disable field Internet Explorer? Is necessary to make a different background color (red) from the disable fields on the form. There is information that for IE work only CSS2: /* CSS2 selector */
How can it use in Forms Disigner?

Re: Disable field style in ie8 and higer

Posted: 19 Mar 2015
by Dmitry Kozlov
Do you need to change background of disabled fields? If so, please, try the following CSS:

Code: Select all

input[disabled="disabled"] {
    background: red;

Re: Disable field style in ie8 and higer

Posted: 19 Mar 2015
by Дмитрий Фоломеев
ok, it work!