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Drag and Drop attachment 2

Posted: 15 May 2015
by Sebastian Haugland
Hi Is it possible to call the upload multiple files from that is used in the sharedocuments folder from a task form?

ie use the functionalty but save the fiels as to the task attachement folder rather than to the shared document folder.

Re: Drag and Drop attachment 2

Posted: 18 May 2015
by Dmitry Kozlov
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the question. The only option I see here is to implement a custom server-side control that accepts multiple files and attaches them to the current item. On the client-side you could use jQuery Multiple File Selection Plugin:

Here is a sample: ... em-in.html

I haven't tested the solution but I guess you can adapt it to your needs. Then insert it into your form with the help of HTML-control of Forms Designer. Our support team can help you with this control, it will take 400 support minutes ($400). You can pay for the support minutes on our website:

Re: Drag and Drop attachment 2

Posted: 20 May 2015
by Sebastian Haugland
If i buy the minutes can you just send the script or do you need access to my system?

Re: Drag and Drop attachment 2

Posted: 20 May 2015
by Dmitry Kozlov
We will provide you with a farm solution (WSP-package) and installation instructions. We're a bit overloaded now, so it may take 2-3 weeks to implement the solution. Thank you for your understanding.