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Current User / Assigned To

Posted: 25 Mar 2015
by Sebastian Haugland
How can I get the name of the person in the Assigned To field? (people picker)?

I thought could just get it like this fd.field('AssignedTo').value()

But don't get any value, so I tried the script below - but its only showing the domain\userloginnumber - I need the full name. Can I change the .AccountName to something else like .Display Name etc?

(tried a lot of diferent ....)

My working script on a button click:

var hh = fd.field('AssignedTo').value().dictionaryEntries[0].AccountName;

Re: Current User / Assigned To

Posted: 26 Mar 2015
by Dmitry Kozlov
Please, use the following code to get the display name of the selected user:


Re: Current User / Assigned To

Posted: 26 Mar 2015
by Sebastian Haugland
Thanks! , with bit truncation I now have the missing part for my dynamic hyperlink so the user can all his tasks other taks. Again thanks a lot! :)

Re: Current User / Assigned To

Posted: 17 Feb 2016
by marcwenger
Hello, what if I wanted to get the username instead of the display name?


Re: Current User / Assigned To

Posted: 18 Feb 2016
by rostislav

Check this page for a reference on how to set/get various values from various fields: ... -form.html

If you have a multi-value people picker field, for example, you'd do this:

Code: Select all

var logins = '';
  function() {
    logins += this.AccountName + '; ';
