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Few styling questions

Posted: 13 Feb 2013
by Alvis Kasteckas

how it is possible to change color of "Tab control" ?

Is it possible to create tooltips on fields with Forms Designer? Maybe you have some examples?


Re: Few styling questions

Posted: 14 Feb 2013
by Dmitry Kozlov
Hello, Alvis

Css-styles for tab control are stored in /Style Library/FormsDesigner/Form.css. You can modify this file to chenge view of all forms in the site collection. Forms Designer uses JQuery UI tabs, so, you can create you own theme with theme-roller: and place it into form.css (to the end of file, for example).

As for tooltips, you can create additional titles for fields on use any jquery tooltip plugin. Our support team can help you with this task, just describe your problem in details.