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User permissions

Posted: 05 Feb 2013
by Alvis Kasteckas
Hello, first of all it isgreat tool , keep good work going! I wonder what user permissions level is needed to use Forms Designer, because I can use it full control site permissions, but no with Design or Contribute. Is there any way to manage such things ? To give permissions for non admins to create forms?

Re: User permissions

Posted: 05 Feb 2013
by Dmitry Kozlov
Hello, Alvis,

Thank you for your interest in our product. To design list forms with Forms Designer user has to have the following permission :

Manage Lists
Manage Web
Manage Permissions

You can create separate group of users which can design forms.

Re: User permissions

Posted: 07 Nov 2013
by Sunde888

What about using the actual form you have created, what type of user right do you need?

Re: User permissions

Posted: 17 Nov 2013
by Dmitry Kozlov
The same permissions as for the standard forms: Edit List Items for the edit form, view items for the display form etc.