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Hide values already associated with employee

Posted: 04 May 2017
by Jaydius
We are building a training database. Consisting of three lists:

1. Personnel - Listing of all employees
2. Qualifications - Listing of all qualifications
3. PersonnelQuals - Listing of individual qualifications held by each employee. One employee can have many associated qualifications. Each record relates to 1 employee and 1 qualification. The form is to have lookups on the Personnel list (by employee name) and Qualifications list (by qualification name).

I want the qualifications dropdown to filter out any qualifications already associated with that chosen employee. Is that possible?

Re: Hide values already associated with employee

Posted: 04 May 2017
by Dmitry Kozlov
Are you using Forms Designer for the PersonnelQuals forms?

Re: Hide values already associated with employee

Posted: 04 May 2017
by Jaydius
Dmitry Kozlov wrote:
04 May 2017
Are you using Forms Designer for the PersonnelQuals forms?
Yes I am using Forms Designer.

Re: Hide values already associated with employee

Posted: 08 Jun 2017
by Jaydius
Wondering if anyone's able to help me with this? Or is it not possible with Cross-site lookup & Form Designer?

Re: Hide values already associated with employee

Posted: 08 Jun 2017
by Dmitry Kozlov
Our support team can implement a script that filters a Qualifications drop-down in the PersonnelQuals form so that it will display only those items that are not associated with a selected employee in another drop-down. The script will take 3 support hours. If it's OK, please, purchase the support hours in our store:

Then provide temporary access to the PersonnelQuals form.