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Cross-site Delete Lookup Value
Posted: 12 May 2017
by ksertkaya
I want to delete lookup value but I can't. How do I do it?
Re: Cross-site Delete Lookup Value
Posted: 12 May 2017
by Dmitry Kozlov
Are you using SharePoint Online or on-premises? What's your Cross-site Lookup version: you can find it in the lower right corner of the Plumsail Lookup Manager dialog.
Re: Cross-site Delete Lookup Value
Posted: 15 May 2017
by ksertkaya
Sharepoint on-premises and Cros-site Lookup 1.4.1.
Re: Cross-site Delete Lookup Value
Posted: 15 May 2017
by Dmitry Kozlov
Just upgrade the software then. You can download the latest version from our website:
If you purchased the license more than a year ago, you must also purchase 1-year maintenance to be able to upgrade the software:
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