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Multiple Content Types Lookup Field

Posted: 25 Oct 2017
by TylerCrummett
Hey All,

I am operating on SharePoint Online and I have a document library called Customer Agreements with three different content types(A, B, & C). There is a field entitled Business Partner and it uses the Cross-Site Lookup to another list called Business Partner. On the Business Partner list we only have one content type, so no problems there.

However, when creating a new item on Customer Agreements, the field for Business Partner only shows up on the default content type A and NOT on B and C. Is there any special configuration I should be putting on either the Customer Agreements document library or in the Plumsail Cross-Site Lookup advanced settings?


Re: Multiple Content Types Lookup Field

Posted: 25 Oct 2017
by Nikita Kurguzov
Hello, Tyler!
It's really easy to do - go to the list, switch to classic Sharepoint if you are using modern design, select List Settings in the ribbon:
ListSettings.jpg (136.78 KiB) Viewed 5186 times
Find Content Types section and click on content type you want to add Cross-site Lookup to:
ContentTypesListSettings.png (7 KiB) Viewed 5186 times
Next, add Cross-site Lookup by clicking Add from existing site or list columns:
ContentTypeSettings.png (23.32 KiB) Viewed 5186 times
Finally, select Cross-site Lookup column and it to the content type:
ContentTypeAddColumns.png (14.84 KiB) Viewed 5186 times
Now it will be both present on the default form for this content type and you'll be able to add it in Forms Designer, if you are using it.

Re: Multiple Content Types Lookup Field

Posted: 25 Oct 2017
by TylerCrummett

Thank you so much! It worked!
