Lookup column issue
Posted: 30 Nov 2017
I downloaded and installed a trial of forms designer and cross-site lookup. I have two lists. One list with hardware details, and one list with issues. In the issue list i created a lookup column to the hardware list like this:
Second problem (probably related): i get an error when i try to edit the item
I downloaded and installed a trial of forms designer and cross-site lookup. I have two lists. One list with hardware details, and one list with issues. In the issue list i created a lookup column to the hardware list like this:
function (term, page) {
if (!term || term.length == 0) {
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},Serienr_x0020_apparaat,Medewerker/Title&$expand=Medewerker&$orderby=Created desc&$top=10";
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},Serienr_x0020_apparaat,Medewerker/Title&$expand=Medewerker&$orderby={LookupField}&$filter=startswith({LookupField}, '" + encodeURIComponent(term) + "') or " +
"startswith(Medewerker/Title, '" + encodeURIComponent(term) + "') or " +
"startswith(Serienr_x0020_apparaat, '" + encodeURIComponent(term) + "')&$top=10";
This works fine when adding a new item. However when i display the item, the lookup column says #WAARDE!function(item) {
return '<span class="csl-option">' + item["{LookupField}"] + ' / ' + item["Medewerker"].Title + ' / ' + item.Serienr_x0020_apparaat + '</span>'
Second problem (probably related): i get an error when i try to edit the item
What am i doing wrong?You are using the trial version of Forms Designer. Please, visit http://spform.com to buy it.
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