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Create SharePoint template

Posted: 26 Mar 2018
by jacob

I created a site which contains forms created with Forms Designer and a Cross-site Lookup field. From this site i created a SharePoint template with the savetmpl function. I check the option to include all contents. When creating a new subsite using this template the forms work fine. The form that contains the cross-site lookup field hangs (searching) on the lookup field.

The console throws this error:

Code: Select all

init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1 GET net::ERR_ABORTED
Define_module_def.Define.loadScript @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
LoadSodInternal @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
LoadSod @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
LoadSodByKey @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
(anonymous) @ fd_Document_Edit.aspx?List=65892093-bcb8-4908-ae30-b05b3cc6a4a4&ID=1&
NotifyEventAndExecuteWaitingJobs @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs @ init.js?rev=l27kKb%2BMq%2FuMKrOMKLV%2B8w%3D%3DTAG0:1
(anonymous) @ plumsail.csl.select2.js:30
jsinitializer.ashx?web=%2Foverleg%2Ftest&list=65892093-bcb8-4908-ae30-b05b3cc6a4a4&field=Agenda_x0020_item&el=cslAgenda_x0020_item&key=csl_init_cslAgenda_x0020_item.js&rev=1522050426864:1 Uncaught System.FormatException: Unrecognized Guid format.
   at System.Guid.GuidResult.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String failureMessageID, Object failureMessageFormatArgument, String failureArgumentName, Exception innerException)
   at System.Guid.TryParseGuid(String g, GuidStyles flags, GuidResult& result)
   at System.Guid..ctor(String g)
   at XgFcmC1xTrcISwPFCT.SGUPD7vHtpq3qLiS8d..ctor(XDocument  )
   at Plumsail.CrossSiteLookup.JSInitializer.RWUTGCZ4U(HttpContext  )

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 26 Mar 2018
by Nikita Kurguzov
Dear Jacob,
Unfortunately, the advanced functionality of Cross-site Lookup and the way it links to an outside source, prevents it from working out of the box if the site is moved. You'll need to programmatically change the schema of the lookups to adjust them to work on the new sites. The schema is slightly different from the default lookup, it comes with additional fields, you can see an example here.

There are other ways to avoid this error too. For example, if you have all the source lists on one root site and the Cross-site Lookups are used on a subsite, if you create a new subsite from the template and add it to the SAME root site, it should still function properly, since all the data is still where it's supposed to be.

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 05 Feb 2019
by andyb
Appreciate this is a very old post, but how do I get to the schema for the Cross Site Lookup fields, is this something I have to do in the template? Or can it be done after I've created the new site with the template?

Apologies if the answer is obvious!

Kind regards

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 05 Feb 2019
by AlexZver
Dear Andy,

Please, check out our new documentation on how to provision Cross-Site Lookup Fields - ... kup-fields

Tell us if you find anything unclear, or if you have any questions!

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 05 Feb 2019
by andyb
Wow, very helpful, will take a look, thankyou.

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 05 Feb 2019
by andyb
I just ran the repair powershell to repair Cross Site Lookup fields following an import of the site template, and although the powershell script ran successfully, Cross Site Lookup in the destination site says 'An error has occured while retrieving fields. Error: File Not Found.' when trying to access the fields through the list GUI.

Looking at the field schema in SharePoint manager (O365 version), the Cross Site Lookup is not a Cross Site Lookup in the destination, but it is a standard Lookup field. Is this expected? I originally set those fields up as lookup columns in my list and then added them to the appropriate Content Type using the 'add existing site or list columns'. Is the issue to do with the fact they were originally in a Content Type?

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 14 Feb 2019
by AlexZver
Dear Andy,

I'm terribly sorry for a late reply, I've missed your answer.

If the issue is still actual, could you please try to repair the Cross-Site Lookup field without adding the initial lookup field to the Content type?

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 27 Feb 2019
by andyb
I'm afraid I could not get this to work no matter what, so I had to resort to completely removing all the lookup fields from the site, and readding them once templated. Not ideal and extremely time consuming!

Re: Create SharePoint template

Posted: 28 Feb 2019
by AlexZver
Dear Andy,

I'm very sorry that you had to go the hard way :( The scripts will be rechecked.