Use Cross-site lookup on a lookup column in other list "Loading failed"
Posted: 04 Jun 2018
i have a question related to the use of cross-site-lookup and lookup columns to sort/display the value.
i've got 3 lists:
List A holds basic Data
- Item A1 (Title: "Basic 1")
- Item A2 (Title: "Basic 2")
- Item A3 (Title: "Basic 3")
List B holds additional Data to entries in List A as a lookup column name "LookupA"" (one-to-many)
- Item B1-A1 (Title: "Update 1", LookupA: "Item A1")
- Item B2-A1 (Title: "Update 2", LookupA: "Item A1")
- Item B3-A2 (Title: "Update 1", LookupA: "Item A2")
List C holds information to items in List B with a column "LookupB" (one-to-many)
- Item C1
- Item C2
- Item C3
With normal Lookup i will see two times "Update 1" in the dropdown and no additional information, what is the Basic item reletead...
Now i want to use the cross-site lookup in "List C" to manage a better display of the items from list B like "Item A1 - Update 1":
As lookup field i select "Title" form list B.
Request items:
Item format:
I receive the "Loading failed" error
How to setup the request and format to use lookup-column-values???
Something like "item.LookupA.Value" ??
How to sort by more than one columen (e.g.: LookupA, Title)?
Thx for your help
i have a question related to the use of cross-site-lookup and lookup columns to sort/display the value.
i've got 3 lists:
List A holds basic Data
- Item A1 (Title: "Basic 1")
- Item A2 (Title: "Basic 2")
- Item A3 (Title: "Basic 3")
List B holds additional Data to entries in List A as a lookup column name "LookupA"" (one-to-many)
- Item B1-A1 (Title: "Update 1", LookupA: "Item A1")
- Item B2-A1 (Title: "Update 2", LookupA: "Item A1")
- Item B3-A2 (Title: "Update 1", LookupA: "Item A2")
List C holds information to items in List B with a column "LookupB" (one-to-many)
- Item C1
- Item C2
- Item C3
With normal Lookup i will see two times "Update 1" in the dropdown and no additional information, what is the Basic item reletead...
Now i want to use the cross-site lookup in "List C" to manage a better display of the items from list B like "Item A1 - Update 1":
As lookup field i select "Title" form list B.
Request items:
Code: Select all
function (term, page) {
if (!term || term.length == 0) {
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},LookupA&$orderby=LookupA&$top=10";
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},LookupA&$orderby=LookupA&$filter=startswith(LookupA, '" + encodeURIComponent(term) + "')&$top=10";
Code: Select all
function(item) {
return '<span class="csl-option">' + item.LookupA + ' - ' + item["{LookupField}"] + '</span>'
How to setup the request and format to use lookup-column-values???
Something like "item.LookupA.Value" ??
How to sort by more than one columen (e.g.: LookupA, Title)?
Thx for your help