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Cross Site Lookup does not show values after SharePoint Migration

Posted: 25 Aug 2020
by Jens.Hetze
After SharePoint Migration from 2013 to 2016 Cross Site Lookup Columns does not show values of lookup column on edit form (see
2020-08-25_CrossSite_EditForm.png (73.17 KiB) Viewed 56488 times
). On display form value is shown (see
2020-08-25_CrossSite_DisplayForm.png (72.06 KiB) Viewed 56488 times

What I tried.
1. Reactivate site collection feature "CrossSiteLookup"
2. Update CrossSiteLookup from version 1.4.3 to 1.4.4
3. Redeploy farm feature
3.1 Deactivate site collection feature on all site collections
3.2 Repair CrossSiteLookup
3.3 Activate site collection feature on all site collections

Nothing helped.

What could be the next steps?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Cross Site Lookup does not show values after SharePoint Migration

Posted: 26 Aug 2020
by mnikitina
Hello Jens,

There was an issue after SharePoint update, so we've published a fix some time ago. Please, download and install the latest version of Forms Designer for SP 2013/16/19. Version number will NOT change (as the fix is very minor) and file size is the same as before, but the update is included in the new file.

Start the installer and select Repair option. Then, completely clear the browser's cache. Might also need to update .NET on the server.

Re: Cross Site Lookup does not show values after SharePoint Migration

Posted: 27 Aug 2020
by Jens.Hetze
Hi mnikitina,

it works. Thank you very much.

Kind regards.