Cross site lookup error : file not found
Posted: 16 Feb 2021
hi !
I've deleted a field in list settings that was a cross-site lookup.
now, i want to see other cross site lookups, and when i click on "Manage plumsail lookups", i get error message
"An error has occured while retrieving fields"
"Error:File not found"
cross-site Lookup 1.4.3
is there anything i can on user side (not on the server)?
I've deleted a field in list settings that was a cross-site lookup.
now, i want to see other cross site lookups, and when i click on "Manage plumsail lookups", i get error message
"An error has occured while retrieving fields"
"Error:File not found"
cross-site Lookup 1.4.3
is there anything i can on user side (not on the server)?