Error with redirect to edit form

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2017

27 Sep 2019


I have a Problem with the redirect to the edit form from a display form. This happened sometimes before and we somehow got it working but it always is like trial and error so maybe you have a solution for this. The Problem is when I'm on a Display form on this list and click on the edit button it throws this error Message:

Translated in english this says that there are illegal signs in the file or folder name. So I checked the URL:

Like you see the List is not in the URL just ~List and that is probably the Problem because if I put the List name in there it works. If I reset the edit form and it uses the default Form everything works. I tried recreating the forms but nothing helped. Like I said this error happens sometimes but not often. But on this list it is like the second time.

Hope you can help me with this


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Joined: Wed Jun 05, 2019

27 Sep 2019

Hello crashtodd,

If you are using SharePoint Online, please make sure that Forms Designer app is installed on the site from the store. Also, please see the post describing the same issue and the solution to it:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2020&p=6406&hilit=o ... splay+form

If you SharePoint on-premises, please re-activate Forms Designer feature at the site collection level.

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