I can't get these directions to work
Posted: 28 Sep 2017
I don't mean to be critical but I have been attempting to follow these directions all day and I still can't get it to work.
https://spform.com/documentation/relate ... gular-mode
For example the instructions tell you to add this to the parent form's JS editor:
Why would I do this?
In the child's new form I am instructed to enter this:
Yet I can't get "window.top.GetUrlKeyValue('ID')" to return anything.
https://spform.com/documentation/relate ... gular-mode
For example the instructions tell you to add this to the parent form's JS editor:
Code: Select all
fd.populateFieldsInGrid($('.related-items'), {
Parent: '{CurrentItem}',
In the child's new form I am instructed to enter this:
Code: Select all
if (window != window.top && window.top.fd) {
// the form is opened in a dialog from the parent form
var parentId = parseInt(window.top.GetUrlKeyValue('ID'));
if (parentId) {
// the form is opened from the Edit form
} else {
// the form is opened from the New form
$('#_fd_parent_temp > input').val(window.top.fd._tempParentId());