Providing different forms for different users

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
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Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2018

12 Jan 2018

I've successfully implemented your blog on security and created a default and management set of forms using the sharepoint groups option.

However, i'm not able to get back to the default EditForm where I originally added the Content Editor webpart and linked the htm file. It keeps redirecting me to the management version of that form. I would like to update Redirect file name it points to... even when I remove myself from the management sharepoint group.

As an aside - As i had to do it twice - due to a form corruption - i was able to delete the management version of the Form via Sharepoint Designer. However, after it got deployed correctly and working - i'm no longer seeing the management (with the extended ID) form in Sharepoint Designer... so that also seems to stop me from starting over.

Much appreciate your thoughts.

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Dmitry Kozlov
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Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012

12 Jan 2018

First, I recommend you to store code for Content Editor web parts in separate files and include them via Content Link property. Thus you will be able to disable redirection as simple as commenting out the code in those files without removing and re-creating the forms.

If you removed a form file in SharePoint Designer, you can simply restore it by re-saving in Forms Designer. Please make sure you re-saved forms of every form set.

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