Yes/No field bug

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2013

16 Sep 2013

I am noticing the following bug. I have removed\added multiple statements and it always seems to happen.

If I have a Yes/No (Boolean) field. If the value is true or (1). (checkbox is checked)

Now if you set the control to read only (disable the control)


Click save and the value of the field becomes No (checkbox is not checked)

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Dmitry Kozlov
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Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012

17 Sep 2013


Internet Explorer doesn’t post data of the disabled fields and therefore SharePoint fills it in with the default value 'No'. The first workaround here is to make the field read-only via its property instead of using JS-framework:


Make sharepoint field readonly

But if you need to set this property dynamically, you can use JS-framework but you have to enable this field before the submission:

Code: Select all

fd.onsubmit(function() {
  return true;

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