Edit form not opening on site

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
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08 Oct 2020


I've just been advised that on one of our librarys the edit form is opening in the standard sharepoint format despite there being a default SPForm present. I've re-saved the form and re connected a number of times but can't seem to get the correct SPForm showing on the site?

Is there a way I can force this?



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08 Oct 2020

Hello Roo,

Are there multiple content types in the library?

Make sure that you've designed forms for all content types.

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08 Oct 2020


Im not sure what you mean exactly .

What I have done is go into the SP Designer and remove the editforms in there. Once I did this it worked on my PC.

However I tried it on another persons (after fully clearing their cache) and when editing a form in the stardard webpage of the library it still opened in the wrong (MS Standard) form. However, when I changed his library to the "Classic" version and opened it it showed the correct SPForm.

Is there a way of making sure the "standard" library edit form works the same way as the Classic?

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09 Oct 2020

Hello Roo,

Please open the library in the SharePoint Designer and share the screenshot of all forms from the Forms section.
forms section.png
forms section.png (94.92 KiB) Viewed 7228 times

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09 Oct 2020

QA1.jpg (43.7 KiB) Viewed 7225 times

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12 Oct 2020

Just another little update - it seems now that the form doesn't work for any one now unless you go into the classic experience?? any ideas?

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12 Oct 2020

Hello Roo,

What SharePoint version are you using?

How do you open the edit form? Could you please share screenshots.
Are you facing the same issue in other lists or libraries?

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13 Oct 2020

Just this one subsite. All the other sites are working fine. Its the Sharepoint online O365 version

Opening the library in the standard method. then pressing edit (this opens the standard version which is not correct)
std.jpg (145.41 KiB) Viewed 7203 times
However if I change the library to the classic view it shows correctly (however this is no good as the user would continually have to change versions of the library)
classic2.jpg (71.27 KiB) Viewed 7203 times
classic1.jpg (68.27 KiB) Viewed 7203 times

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14 Oct 2020

Hello Roo,

Do you see the same behavior in other SharePoint lists under this site?

You can try to restore the default SharePoint forms, export existing forms designed in Forms Designer, reset Forms Designer forms, and then import forms again and publish.

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15 Oct 2020


All the other sites (and other libraries in this site) are working fine.

I've reset - saved - reimported - and it still brings up the wrong version? Is there anything else I can try?

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