Placeholder Text

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
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Posts: 82
Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2014

27 Oct 2015

How would you suggest we incorporate placeholder text in our form fields? Should we find and use a jQuery Plugin, do you have plans to add the HTML placeholder attribute to the form designer editor?



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28 Oct 2015

The method below will not work for versions of IE below 10.

If you're looking to set an input field's placeholder, try:

Code: Select all

fd.field('InternalName').control()._el().find('input').attr('placeholder', 'my placeholder');
If it's going to be a textarea, then do:

Code: Select all

fd.field('InternalName').control()._el().find('textarea').attr('placeholder', 'my placeholder');
(Add the code to the JavaScript editor for your form, replacing InternalName with the appropriate internal name).

If you need this thing to work in IE versions 9 and lower, your best bet is to use the jQuery placeholder plugin: You'll have to dynamically add a <script> element with src set to the js file and then follow the documentation to set the placeholder. If you need further assistence, let us know.

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Posts: 82
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28 Oct 2015

Great Response, Thank you.

PS> This seems like a easy feature addition for the next update to the product.

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Posts: 82
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10 Oct 2016

I can't figure out how to style the placeholder text. I was hoping to just lighten up the color so that it is more easily visable as only placeholder text.


Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2016

11 Oct 2016

Hi! First, add a CSS class, say 'input-ph' to a field.

Then insert the following code into CSS-editor (replace colors and the class name with the appropriate values):

Code: Select all

 .input-ph input::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:#c0392b;}

 .input-ph input::-moz-placeholder          {color:#c0392b;}/ Firefox 19+ /

 .input-ph input:-moz-placeholder           {color:#c0392b;}/ Firefox 18- /

 .input-ph input:-ms-input-placeholder      {color:#c0392b;}

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