Custom Calendar forms

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
Anita Weber
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2015

31 Jan 2016

I am trying to create a custom form for a Calendar List.

The problem is when I load Plumsail it only shows some default fields and hides all others, including the custom ones I added.

Yet if I add a related-items part, it will show all fields.

I want to create a traditional form without related-items, just a series of text boxes down the screen.

Is there a known problem in getting all fields in the Calendar list settings to be visible for me to drag on the design board?

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01 Feb 2016

You are experiencing this problem because the fields you are trying to add to the form do not belong to the Event content type, which is what the calendar list type uses (the content type is displayed in Forms Designer at the top right corner, in that dropdown box).

In future, when you'll be adding a column to the calendar list, make sure that you tick "add to all content types" in the creation dialog.

At this time, you'll need to add all your user-added fields to the Event content type:

1. Go to the calendar list -> CALENDAR tab -> List Settings -> under Content Types click "Event" -> Click "Add from existing site or list columns" -> Select List Columns -> Add all the fields you want to add with the "Add button" -> Click OK. Refresh Forms Designer, you should see the fields appear.

Anita Weber
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2015

01 Feb 2016

Perfect, thanks so much for educating me on this. Worked!

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