Can not see Lookupfields in RelatedItems

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2010.
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Sebastian Haugland
Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2014

20 Sep 2014

I have a form where one of the fields are a dropdown list of products from a another list.

I have added related itmes and would like to filter tasks that have the same product as the on in the product field.

But when I choose "Flter by Lookup fields" in the Data source editor" the Lookup fields dropdown contains no values - why?

would expect to find the field product as its pointing to the same list as the form.

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Dmitry Kozlov
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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012

23 Sep 2014


Thank you for the message. Unfortunately, currently you can filter Related items by the parent item only: ... office-365

Anyway, our support team can help to configure a form with related items filtered by any field on the form even dynamically when the user switches the field value. Please, send the detailed requirements to to get estimation.

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