display two columns in Manage Plumsail Lookup
I have in a list a Manage Plumsail Lookup.
How can I view two columns within this Manage Plumsail Lookup Show?
Currently I have under format Item:
function(item) {
return '<span class="csl-option">' + item["{LookupField}"] + '</span>'
I have the article "Setting up the view of results in Cross-Site Lookup Column" (http://spform.com/office-365/sett ... office-365) read, but I do not come forward.
I want me display two text columns.
Many thanks!
I have in a list a Manage Plumsail Lookup.
How can I view two columns within this Manage Plumsail Lookup Show?
Currently I have under format Item:
function(item) {
return '<span class="csl-option">' + item["{LookupField}"] + '</span>'
I have the article "Setting up the view of results in Cross-Site Lookup Column" (http://spform.com/office-365/sett ... office-365) read, but I do not come forward.
I want me display two text columns.
Many thanks!
To display values of two columns inside the Cross Site lookup dropdown box:
1. Add the fields to the Request query. Here I'm adding two fields called 'anothercolumn1' and 'anothercolumn2' to my query:
2. Add the fields to the item format function:
Note that the names of the fields must be InternalNames, not titles (you can check in Forms Designer the internal name for a field).
If you want to also display multiple values inside the actual box (not the dropdown list), then you can add a calculated field with a formula like this:
and use it as the lookup field.
If you then want to filter the result set based on multiple fields check the following forum thread, especially starting from message #7
1. Add the fields to the Request query. Here I'm adding two fields called 'anothercolumn1' and 'anothercolumn2' to my query:
Code: Select all
function (term, page) {
if (!term || term.length == 0) {
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},anothercolumn1,anothercolumn2&$orderby=Created desc&$top=10";
return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},anothercolumn1,anothercolumn2&$orderby={LookupField}&$filter=startswith({LookupField}, '" + encodeURIComponent(term) + "')&$top=10";
Code: Select all
function(item) {
return '<span class="csl-option">' + item["{LookupField}"] + ' ' + item['anothercolumn1'] + ' ' + item['anothercolumn2'] + '</span>'
If you want to also display multiple values inside the actual box (not the dropdown list), then you can add a calculated field with a formula like this:
Code: Select all
[anothercolumn1]&" - "&[anothercolumn2]
If you then want to filter the result set based on multiple fields check the following forum thread, especially starting from message #7
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