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Discussions about Cross-site Lookup
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Posts: 49
Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2018

07 Mar 2018

The top level list is the one with the customer ID

this ID is used to filter the related lists (each in a tab)

In the related list for EQUIPMENT there is the option to link a DRIVER to the new/edited item.

The ID of the Driver is related to the top level Customer ID

So, when they add/edit the equipment list, the dropdown list should be filtered to show only drivers that are linked with the customer they are editing.

I entered this reply 4 times (it keeps bombing) so hopefully this explanation is not too shortened.
related list.PNG
related list.PNG (43.4 KiB) Viewed 10906 times
list 2.PNG
list 2.PNG (7.62 KiB) Viewed 10906 times
list 1.PNG
list 1.PNG (9.9 KiB) Viewed 10906 times

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