Convert Website Column to Cross-Site Lookup - technical background

Discussions about Cross-site Lookup
Posts: 50
Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2018

23 Feb 2018

Hi there,

we are just testing the features fo the SPforms and Cross-Site-Lookups.
Realy cool solutions so far!

I've got some question regarding the technical background of the lookup.
If i allready have a website column defined as a normal lookup and using it in different contenttypes.
Now i build a custom display form for one list with this column.
I converted the column to a plumsail lookup (Option at list-level) --> so what excatly happend now to my column? is it still a "normal" lookup from Sharepoint?
In all other lists, the lookup looks normal.
Do i have to convert it on each list?

We plan to use the column in the root web and reuse it in lists in the subwebs.

Thx alot!

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Nikita Kurguzov
Posts: 889
Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2017

26 Feb 2018

Dear ragesoft,
In many ways, Cross-site Lookup is just a regular lookup field, but with extra functionality - it can get information from other sites(not collections, though), and it also comes with advanced features for the control on the form, but not outside the form.

If you use Cross-site Lookup inside one site then it's no different from a regular lookup, but gives you extra functionality like partial loading, filtering, ability to apply filtering and implement cascading lookup. The schema is slightly different if you use it between sites, it comes with additional fields, you can see an example here.

Yes, you'll need to convert every single lookup that you want to have this extra functionality or you can create new Cross-site Lookups instead, this is up to you, you don't have to convert all your lookups if you don't need to.

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