Change color of fields. Select all fields of a class
Thank you. I used almost the same code as you provided.
$.each($('[fd_name]'), function() {
if ($(this).find('.required').length > 0 ) {
if (alertMessage == undefined) {
alertMessage = "Please fill in the following fields: \n";
if (fd.field($(this).attr('fd_name')).titleText() == "") {
alertMessage += i + ": marked with the red asterix or red dotted border \n";
} else {
alertMessage += i + ": " + fd.field($(this).attr('fd_name')).titleText() + "\n";
With css for the dropdowsn , adding the !important; did the trick
$.each($('[fd_name]'), function() {
if ($(this).find('.required').length > 0 ) {
if (alertMessage == undefined) {
alertMessage = "Please fill in the following fields: \n";
if (fd.field($(this).attr('fd_name')).titleText() == "") {
alertMessage += i + ": marked with the red asterix or red dotted border \n";
} else {
alertMessage += i + ": " + fd.field($(this).attr('fd_name')).titleText() + "\n";
With css for the dropdowsn , adding the !important; did the trick
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