Calculated field value

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2013

17 Jun 2013

I have a calculated field on the form. I am looking for how to do the following on both the Display and Edit forms:
  • Get the value of the calculated field
  • Set the background color of the calculated field based off of the value - if below 50 set background to red, 51-99 set to yellow, 100 set to green
  • Set the value of the calcuated field based off of actions on the form

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Dmitry Kozlov
Site Admin
Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012

17 Jun 2013


I have created a simple example for you. First, I created a new custom list with three column: A (number), B (number), SUM (calculated field: A + B). In Forms Designer I added my fields into the form and set css-class of SUM field to 'calc-field'. I will use this class in selector to set background-color:


Next, I declared the following CSS classes in Forms Designer's CSS-editor:

Code: Select all

.bg-red {
  background-color: red;

.bg-green {
  background-color: green;

.bg-yellow {
  background-color: yellow;
I will use them to set background color based on the SUM field value. Next, I added the following js-code to JS-editor:

function setBgColor() {
  $('.calc-field').removeClass('bg-red bg-yellow bg-green')
  var calcValue = parseFloat(fd.field('SUM').control()._el().text());
  if (calcValue <= 50) {
  if (calcValue > 50 && calcValue < 100) {
  if (calcValue == 100) {

function updateSum() {
  var a = parseFloat(fd.field('A').control().value());
  var b = parseFloat(fd.field('B').control().value());
  fd.field('SUM').control()._el().html(a + b);

// updates calculated field value when value of field A is changed.
fd.field('A').control().change(function() {

// updates calculated field value when value of field B is changed.
fd.field('B').control().change(function() {

// sets background color of SUM field

function changes background of the calculated field based on its value. updateSum updates value of SUM field based on the current values of A and B and changes its background color. I call this function when value of the field A or B is changed. And in the latest line I call setBgColor to set initial background color of SUM field.

To get detailed description of Forms Designer's JS-framework, please, follow the link:

Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2013

18 Jun 2013

Perfect, thanks. I could not have asked for a better example.

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