List View Threshold

Discussions about Forms Designer for SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and Office 365.
Alex Miller
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014

23 Sep 2014

Sorry. I posted this in the ask a question section. I did not see the prior note about moving inquiry to the forum.

I have a list (list A) with cross site lookups to 5 different fields. One of the lists these fields points to has records beyond the list view threshold (list B). The fields are indexed columns both in lists A and B.
I can edit items fine using spforms.
I cannot create a new item. I get an error that I have exceeded then list view threshold.
Other lists that I have that are beyond the threshold that do not have lookups work fine to create a new item. Is there a way around this OTHER than increasing the threshold, which is not recommended?

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Dmitry Kozlov
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24 Sep 2014

As I understood, you cannot create a new item in list B. Am I right? Does List B contain lookups? Could you provide the screenshot of the error?

Alex Miller
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014

24 Sep 2014

I cannot create a new item in List A. I have been experimenting and as soon as i create a new item form (even with only one field on it) in spform, then I run into the threshold error and cannot create the new item. With the default sharpoint new item form i can create a new item. Is there a way around this as most of my lists have very large numbers of records.

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Dmitry Kozlov
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25 Sep 2014

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the issue: I created lists with more than 5000 items with/without lookups, pointed lookups to lists with exceeded threshold as well. But all new custom forms worked properly. So, please, try to install SP1 for SharePoint 2013:



If it doesn't help, let's schedule a TeamViewer session.

Alex Miller
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014

26 Sep 2014

I already am on the latest service pack - i did verify version numbers to be sure.

Even without the lookup columns and reverting back to a clean save, I can create an item when I do not use spforms, but when I define even the simplest form I get the threshold error.

I am available at any time that is convenient to you for a team viewer session. How would you liek to proceed?

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Dmitry Kozlov
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29 Sep 2014

Hi Alex,

May we schedule the team viewer session for today from 4pm to 7pm (GMT+4)? Please, send the connection settings to

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